Episode 79
How To Collect And Utilize Feedback Data After Your PD Workshops
In this episode, we discuss:
Reflections from Last Week:
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How To Gather Feedback From Your Professional Development Sessions
Why is it important to gather feedback?
- Get a feel for where your attendees are either before or after a session
- Figure out where to go next with a particular group or individual
- For your own personal reflection as a coach to determine how the session went and if it was successful
How do you gather feedback?
- Watching faces, body language, verbal comments from group/individuals during the sessions - This will tell you a lot about if they are “getting it”
- Beginning of year Professional Learning Feedback form - Sample from Susan
- Exit Slip - Paper or digital - Much like we do with students in the classroom at the end of a lesson, why not use exit slips with teachers in a PD session? - Sample from Susan
- Parking Lot - Paper or digital - teachers have the ability to place questions, comments, concerns on a paper or digital area
- End of Year/Term/Semester Feedback Form - Sample from Susan
- Follow Up Discussions - Verbal and using a school/local hashtag on Social Media through a FB group or Twitter Chat, learning management system, etc.
What types of questions do you ask on feedback forms?
- How has the session been beneficial?
- Have they had ample opportunity through the year for the training they need?
- From George Couros and included and referenced in my sample Exit Slip- “Two Questions to Ask At the End of a Professional Learning Day-
- What did you learn today?
- How Will your students know and benefit?
- Other exit slip questions
- Name 1 new skill or idea you learned today you will try in your classroom within the next month.
- Name 1 thing you would like to learn more about from today’s topic.
- What other training on tools or concepts would they like to have in future sessions?
Applications to help you gather feedback?
What do you do after you receive survey results?
- Use the I DO-WE DO-YOU DO approach to encourage teachers to try the skill after watching the tech coach model it, then collaborate on a lesson together, then have the teacher do it for themselves to gain confidence
- This is a huge component of follow up whether it is from a large group PD session or a one on one/small group - continue the learning with Job-Embedded PD
- Use the I DO-WE DO-YOU DO approach to encourage teachers to try the skill after watching the tech coach model it, then collaborate on a lesson together, then have the teacher do it for themselves to gain confidence
Does feedback really do anything to your PD sessions?
- Use the feedback you are given. Don’t just ask for it and then let it sit. Tailor your coaching to individuals and make them feel that they have a voice and part in their own learning as you give them what they need.
Do you share the feedback with anyone?
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- Email: info@teachercast.net
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