Episode 33
5 Ways Instructional Coaches can Support Change in a School Building or District
- Can you Shift the Culture of your School District?
- Identifying school goals
- Strategic Plan (District Level)
- EdTech Integration Plan (Curricular Level)
- Tech Plan (Technology Level)
- Community Involvement (Township Level)
- Having a clear vision of what those goals are and how the district wants to achieve them.
- Creating a roadmap
- Involving all members of the school community
- Having a clear plan that is well communicated to all staff members and community member
- ss every decision leading back to the school goals?
- Communicate clearly and often
- Be honest but be transparent
- Highlight and Recognize Staff and Student Achievements
- Creating incentives for achieving those goals
- Build interconnectedness of staff (show their awesome)
- Badging (PD)
- Pineapple Program
- Certification Programs
- Student activities
- Creating opportunities for group activities outside of the traditional school day
- Movie Night
- Family Trips
- Happy Hour
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- Nicholas Amaral | @NamaralEDU
Tech Coach Tip of the Week
- As your school district begins the process of creating an EdTech Plan it’s important that you also redefine what you want the culture of your district to be. For this reason it’s important to have time away from the office for staff members to meet and interact with each other so they can become a team inside the office during the week.
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