Episode 36

How To Get Your Instructional Coaches Thinking Like an Administrator

In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Nick welcome Educoach cofounder Shira Leibowitz and Tech Coach Kitty Tripp onto the podcast to help us learn how to create a culture of professional learning in our school districts. In this episode, we discuss:
  • Creating a Culture of Change in your School District
    • How do you help create and shape a culture when you are not in a position of power?Yes! This is where most of us are and even when I was a director, I still had do several things to create and shape culture. Be vulnerable as a learner. Grab fellow enthusiast and jump into the unknown. Focus on how you can be a creator and promote “creation” based learning as opposed to the consumer focus. Be a consistent encourager and supporter! It’s amazing what people hesitant to buy-in will try once they trust you and know you’re there to support them.
  • EdTech Integration Plans
    • How to create a plan for Tech Coaches that is “bought” by the district and followed by everyone?
    • What documents or plans help Tech Coaches create their job descriptions and master plansHaving worked at the both the director and coaching level, buy-in is a long-term process involving many people that must come together on one page for an extended time. In my 8 years of working in instructional technology, I’ve rarely seen this successfully modeled in a sustained manner with fidelity. What I have learned through these years is I’m in control of my personal buy-in and can affect my sphere of influence and their potential buy-in. All it takes is a small pocket of enthusiasm to ignites change. Then the snowball effect begins to take over. I have successfully seen that occur in each job I’ve been a part of.
  • How to Stop Doing Things for Teachers
    • How to encourage but not empower them to sit back and let you do the work
    • How do you keep your role of a coach when they don’t want you but know you are going to help them out
    • How do you NOT go into classrooms to teach kids but instead go in to coach teachers.When I’m working with a student, teacher, or administrator, I always start by putting them in the driver seat. I expect them to run the device, and I’m telling them how to accomplish what we’re trying to do. While this may be small, it sets the tone of every interaction. My job is in transition from what the expectations of the position used to be to now changing over to the “coaching cycle.” As I build better rapport with a teacher, the authenticity of the coaching cycle occurs more with each interaction. As a coach I have to be intentional in reading each one of my interactions with those needing help. Everyone is at different stages of support and I’ve got to accept them where they’re at in the process and continue to move them forward. The graphic below is my ultimate goal and while each interaction is not there yet, it’s what I’m moving towards with each time I support an individual:
  • Creating Systems to Help Tech Coaches
    • How can we create systems to help us get more done each week?Teacher’s book appointments through my calendar which has been amazing for helping me in planning and preparing for each week. I also put my personal planning time on the calendar, so I’m not left without time to organize and prepare for upcoming interactions

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About our Guests

Shira Leibowitz

Engaging in pioneering work as an author, speaker, and professional development leader, Shira has served as a principal in schools throughout the greater New York area for twenty years. She is co-author of ASCD's book The Coach Approach to School Leadership: Leading Teachers to Higher Levels of Effectiveness, and is working on a second book The Coach Approach Culture in Schools: Transforming Teaching and Learning. Shira is an instructor in the doctoral program in Education at Northeastern University and serves as a faculty member for the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development. She served as a Community of Practice Facilitator at Yeshiva University, Director of Strategic Initiatives & Professional Development Specialist at I.D.E.A. School and Institute, and Director of Special Programs at RAVSAK school network, designing programs and offering professional development and coaching in a range of innovative educational approaches.

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Kitty Tripp

Kitty Tripp, an innovative educator with 21 years in the field of education has experience not only as a teacher, coach and district office administrator, but also a wide variety of experiences integrating technology into the K-12 classroom. She has helped teachers, administrators and district office leaders create and implement a digital learning mindset. This year Kitty moved to Lake Wylie, SC and works as a district innovation coach. She greatly enjoys sharing her passion for being a connected educator and technology innovation in her district as well as venues such as ISTE, Edcamp, and various state conferences.

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Tech Tip of the Week

  • No matter if you are alone as the only tech coach in your district or one of many, it’s always recommended to grow your professional learning network and have others you know and trust to get advice from. This could be by joining our Mastermind or by listening to our podcast each week.

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Ask The Tech Coach
A Podcast for Instructional Technology Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders

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Jeffrey Bradbury

Jeff Bradbury is a globally-recognized educator, educational broadcaster, public speaker, and entrepreneur whose powerful message has inspired thousands of educators through the TeacherCast Educational Network.