Episode 29
The Power of Communication and Collaboration for Tech Coaches
- Defining and Redefining the Tech Coach Position
- What does a Tech Coach do?A leader
- A Guide
- Someone who supports learning
- What is a Tech Coach responsible for?
- What are the “non-job description things” that a tech coach does?
- The Struggles of Coaching both Teachers and Admins
- You are neither a teacher nor an administrator
- You have tons of responsibility but no real authority
- Your job is to put out fires and filter the nonsense to get the job done
- Finding your Place in the School District
- Tips for first-year Tech Coaches that will help get to year two
- The Importance of Connecting with Others
- Share what you know.Find ways to better support your students
- Find ways to better support your teachers
- Find ways to better meet district goals/initiatives
- Get challengedEnhance your craft
- Gather resources
- Brainstorm / collaborate on ideas
Join the TeacherCast Instructional Coaches Network!
- Are you a Tech Coach or looking to become one this year?
- Are you searching for support in your position?
The TeacherCast Instructional Coaches Network, is a dynamic Professional Learning Network designed specifically for Tech Coaches and designed to provide weekly support for all Instructional Coaches.
- 3 Distinct Professional Learning Networks designed to help you grow for network other Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders
- Free Downloadable Templates and Coaching Resources that can be used in your district ... tomorrow!
- Direct access to Jeff Bradbury and all off his "offline" content that he creates during the school year.
- Exclusive TeacherCast and "Ask the Tech Coach" podcast episodes directly relating to the questions that YOU ASK in our PLN groups.
- Weekly email check-ins to stay connected and discuss your Instructional Coaching program!
- Monthly invitations to TeacherCast Instructional Coaching Meetings and Webinars
- ... and more!
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- The TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting Network | @TeacherCast
- Ask the Tech Coach Podcast | @AsktheTechCoach
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- Jeff Bradbury | @JeffBradbury
- Nicholas Amaral | @NamaralEDU
About our Guests
Kelly Orvick
Kelly Orvick has been an educator for 19 years and currently serves as an Instructional Technology Coordinator, Coach and CS Teacher of grades 6-8 at Hart Ransom Union, Modesto. She is a Google Certified Trainer/Innovator who loves working with all levels of education breaking down the walls, connecting with and empowering individuals to take on their own learning. She holds a MA in Instructional Technology and loves utilizing this knowledge to empower others to make the shift to 21st century learning, leading and teaching. @Techy_Tech / TEaCHn' Facebook / www.teachn.coBrian CdeBaca
Brian CdeBaca is a Technology Coordinator for the Garland Independence School District in Garland, Texas. He has been in educator since 2008 as a teacher and district technology coordinator. His current role affords him the opportunity to coordinate the deployment and support of technology hardware/software for 13 middle schools. In the Fall of 2018, his team deployed 12,000+ Chromebooks to middle school students as part of the district’s Ready 1:1 program. Brian has a MS in Educational Technology Leadership, and believes the future of educational technology is not what type of technology we use but rather how we connect the technology with life-long learning. @bcdebacaJoin the Conversation
Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section. This weeks question is: Question: What do you do when you don’t seem to be busy?Explore these Resources
In this episode, we mentioned the following resources:Tech Tip of the Week
- The school year is very long and often has very high highs and often some very frustrating lows. It’s important to always remember that you aren’t alone and that there are Tech Coaches out there who are also fighting the good fight and are on your team to support you and help you out.
Join our PLN
Are you enjoying the TeacherCast Network, please share your thoughts with the world by commenting on iTunes today? I enjoy reading and sharing your comments on the podcast each week.Let’s Work Together
- Host: Jeff Bradbury @TeacherCast | @JeffBradbury
- Email: info@teachercast.net
- Voice Mail: http://www.TeacherCast.net/voicemail
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- The TechEducator Podcast (http://www.techeducatorpodcast.com)
- Ask The Tech Coach (http://www.AskTheTechCoach.com)
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- Jeff Bradbury (@TeacherCast) is available as a Keynote Speaker, Presenter, or to Broadcast your conference LIVE!