Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists.
In this episode of “
Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff welcomes Instructional Coach Debbie Tannenbaum on the podcast to discuss her strategies for starting an Instructional Coaching position in a new district and why it's important to support teachers of extremely young learners.
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Question of the Week
Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section.
This week’s question is:
How can you support teachers in the classroom to build creativity in young learners?
Weekly Topic
Creating with Littles
- Strategies for starting out in a new coaching position … when you are a veteran coach
- How to enter a new district as an instructional coach
- Set up a meeting with your principal
- Get to know the culture of learning and the culture of the school
- How do they want to use the position
- How to craft their vision of how technology should be used in the classroom
- Always Be Listening
- Keep focused on teacher needs first … then let the digital learning conversations happen naturally
- “Planning with Intent”
- Start with learning objectives
- Then bring the technology
- Remember to ask “Why” … multiple times
- How to create a toolbox that supports both older and younger students
- The importance of getting into classrooms of “littles” early in the school year to get them to accept you as also being a “little”
- Strategies for getting down and dirty with young learners
- First computer skills to support digital learning skills
- Holding the computer
- Learning how to use digital link
- Opening and closing hinges
- Helping students learn how to share their work with others
- Looking at the world in Icons (One Icon at a Time)
- Supporting young learners in doing tasks to keep them energized and engaged
- Build your skills over the course of time rather than “one day and done”
- Always be reinforcing their skills
Topic Links of Interest
About our Guest
Debbie Tannenbaum
An educator with over twenty years of experience, Debbie Tannenbaum works each and every day to “transform” learning using technology. During her time in education, she has served both as a classroom teacher in various grades and as an elementary technology coach. Outside of the classroom, Debbie promotes using technology tools to amplify student learning in her work as an educational technology consultant, author, blogger and speaker. You can contact Debbie at TannenbaumTech.com .
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