Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists.
In this episode of “
Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff welcomes Instructional Coach, Michelle Manning on the podcast to discuss the importance of supporting teachers through innovative practices in the classroom.
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Question of the Week
Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section.
This week’s question is:
How can a Coach invite innovative practices into the classroom … when they are spread thin in multiple buildings?
Weekly Topic
- Thoughts on a new school year
- How to be a successful Instructional Coach after a few years under your belt
- Setting Instructional Coaching goals for the upcoming school year
- Meeting with teachers
- More connections with Administrators and building Leadership teams
- Strategies for reinventing the coaching position at the beginning of a new school year
- Visit faculty meetings
- Tech Coaching Menu
- Surveys for checking in with teachers
- Do “edubribes” work in gaining trust and building relationships with teachers
- How to easily suggest that a teacher try something new
- Set the stage with simple conversations
- Offer to coteach a class or teach the subject yourself to model the topic
- Offer to help build or support their lesson planning
- Strategies for supporting teachers across multiple buildings through your calendar, video, and Google Forms
- Supporting additional coaches in a single school building … working together as a team
Why gamify?
- Practice makes perfect? - No - Practice makes permanent
- self-checking
- immediate feedback
- blended learning
- flipped classroom
- extra practice
- test review
- practice again
- streamline/chunk to avoid visually overwhelming long worksheets
- modify / differentiate
- They can ‘play / practice’ again and again; once worksheet is done – it's done
- FUN!!
How to gamify?
- Google Slides “escape rooms”, riddle rooms, Jenga, board games (game of life)
- Once you have the template it’s easy to modify for different themes
How to modify games?
- change the number of choices
- change the number of questions
- add ‘hints’ on the TRY AGAIN page
- add images
- add audio
- add video
- fast finisher enrichment
- extra practice
Flipped / Putting the Students in Control of the lesson
- science lesson
- Instead of watching video as whole class, video is chunked into smaller pieces for better retention
- Students watch at own pace, minimal distractions, can rewind, etc
- Students can take notes at their own pace using varied method (typing, writing, voice, drag & drop; have a copy of notes if needed, didn’t complete, etc
- Use a tool like Kami where you can push out the answers after so students have accurate notes
- Taking obstacles out of the way to get to your end ‘game’ - the content
About our Guest
Michelle Manning
Michelle was an elementary classroom teacher for over 26 years before becoming a Technology Integration Specialist for Smithtown Central School District on LI, NY. She is the 2022, 2021 & 2017 WS BOCES Model Schools Winner. Google Certified Coach. Google Level 1 & 2 Certified Educator. 2021 Kami Hero. Kami Connect 2022 Speaker. 2022 ISTE Live Presenter. Passionate about supporting teachers integrate technology into their lessons to take them beyond pencil & paper to create dynamic, engaging, & inclusive lessons.
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