Episode 195

Summertime Strategic Planning to Jumpstart the New School Year

Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists. In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan welcome Instructional Coaches Dr. Ashley McBride and Lisa Hockenberry on the program to discuss a variety of ways that we can support both our districts and school buildings in their summertime strategic planning. If you would like to be a part of future podcasts and share your thoughts, please contact the podcast.  We would love to have you join the show.

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  • Are you a Tech Coach or looking to become one this year?
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The TeacherCast Tech Coaches Network, is a dynamic Professional Learning Network designed specifically for Tech Coaches and designed to provide weekly support for all Instructional Coaches. Click Here to Join!

Question of the Week

Our favorite part of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great conversations that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our comments section. This weeks question is: How can Instructional Coaches be used to support strategic growth both at the school and district level?

Weekly Topic

  • What is happening at this year’s conference for Instructional Coaches?
  • Networking with other Coaches
  • Creating something for coaches to have when they leave a session to use for the beginning of the school year
Great Sessions for Instructional Coaches ISTE Playground Session – How students can use their voice through audio and video podcasts.
  • Strategically planning professional learning for the upcoming new school.
    • What is the vision/end goal?
    • Gather data / Where are there gaps?
    • Backwards mapping of skills needed
    • How will I put coaching cycles in place around the needs?
  • How do we accomplish this?
    • Conversations with administrators and get them on board.
    • Develop a team via PLC meetings to begin the strategic plan and decide how it will get carried out.
    • Write common goals for the teachers / teams to move in a similar direction
  • What if I don’t have support as a coach to accomplish this?
    • Have a plan written out of your own ideas of where the school/district might be going to help give direction and opportunity for conversation and planning.
  • How do we be sure our plans are put into motion in the new school year?
    • Continue to re-visit in regular meeting and updates with administrators and teacher meetings.

About our Guests

Lisa Hockenberry

This is my 11th year in Frisco ISD. I've been a DLC for last 3 years at 2 elementary campuses. I previously taught 2nd for 6 years and 3rd for one year at another campus. I received my degree from Texas Woman's University. I am excited to be presenting again at ETC 2022 this summer. I love everything future ready! I love to collaborate with teachers to find new and innovative ways to implement technology and curriculum together. Twitter: @TechieCoach303

Dr. Ashley McBride

Dr. Ashley McBride is currently the Digital Learning Initiative Consultant for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Prior to taking on this role, she spent her career working with students and other educators as a secondary English teacher, instructional technology facilitator, and director of technology. In her work, she has designed and implemented professional learning that supports educators and their understanding of digital teaching and learning practices. Additionally, she has led district-wide initiatives that help promote the effective integration of technology for students. McBride is a COSN Certified Educational Technology Leader and in 2020 earned her doctorate in educational technology from Central Michigan University. She also serves as a board member for the North Carolina Technology in Education Society (NCTIES) and is an adjunct professor in Central Michigan University’s Masters in Learning, Design, and Technology program. You can connect with her on Twitter through her handle @aplusedtech.

Links Of Interest (Ashley Social Links)

About The Book

The edtech coaching role is often misunderstood. This leads to edtech coaches being underutilized or being pulled into various tasks that are not aligned with the ISTE Standards for Coaches. The Edtech Coaching Primer provides a clear way of implementing this role in K-12 education and offers resources for not only those who are edtech coaches, but also for those who support the role at the school or district level.

About ISTE

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is home to a passionate community of global educators who believe in the power of technology to transform teaching and learning, accelerate innovation and solve tough problems in education. ISTE inspires the creation of solutions and connections that improve opportunities for all learners by delivering: practical guidance, evidence-based professional learning, virtual networks, thought-provoking events and the ISTE Standards. ISTE is also the leading publisher of books focused on technology in education. For more information or to become an ISTE member, visit iste.org. Subscribe to ISTE’s YouTube channel and connect with ISTE on Twitter or Facebook.


ISTE books and jump-start guides address both established and emerging industry topics, and are aligned with the ISTE Standards, providing clear, practical guidance to help educators meet the standards. Whether you’re a classroom teacher, librarian, district leader or teacher educator, ISTE books are your answer to effective districtwide PD and professional learning to meet your goals or tech initiatives.

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Ask The Tech Coach
Ask The Tech Coach
A Podcast for Instructional Technology Coaches and Digital Learning Leaders

About your host

Profile picture for Jeffrey Bradbury

Jeffrey Bradbury

Jeff Bradbury is a globally-recognized educator, educational broadcaster, public speaker, and entrepreneur whose powerful message has inspired thousands of educators through the TeacherCast Educational Network.