Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists.
In this episode of “
Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan welcome podcaster, administrator, and author Josh Stamper on the program to discuss the importance of coaches being seen as leaders in their school districts.
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Weekly Topic
- How do we define Leadership inside of our school buildings?
- What do/should we be looking for when selecting our school leaders?
- What is the role of the Instructional Coach in the world of school leadership?
- What types of leadership roles should we be expecting from our coaches?
- What should the role of the coach be when active in a building’s leadership council?
- What is the one key thing that all coaches must have with the teachers they work with to be effective leaders?
- If a coach is not comfortable in a leadership role, what can they do to improve their confidence in themselves and in the position?
- How can an Instructional Coach lead the transformation of classrooms … especially this year?
- Advice for anyone in a leadership role this year when working with so many variables?
About our Guest: Josh Stamper
Joshua Stamper initially used his artistic talent, creativity and original ideas as a professional graphic designer. He then transitioned to inspiring students to utilize their imagination and creative expression in public education. Being unsuccessful as a student growing up, Joshua never expected to be back in the classroom as a teacher, athletic coach or administrator. His struggles as a student spawned a passion to change the education model, push the boundaries of traditional learning, and explore new innovative ideas. Joshua has been a middle school Assistant Principal in North Texas for the past eight years, where he's served at four campuses in two school districts.
In addition to his current administrative position, Joshua is the host of Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast, an author, leadership coach, education presenter, and Podcast Network Manager for the Teach Better Team. Joshua lives in the Dallas, TX area with his wife and five children. You can stay connected by following
@Joshua__Stamper on Twitter and Instagram, or by visiting his website
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