Episode 126
10 Roles and Responsibilities of Coaches (Coaching Matters Chapter 3)
In this episode of “Ask the Tech Coach,” Jeff and Susan discuss Chapter 3 of Coaching Matters "Roles and Responsibilities for Coaches"
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The TeacherCast Tech Coaches Network, is a brand new Professional Learning Network designed specifically for Tech Coaches and designed to provide weekly support for all Instructional Coaches.
Ten Roles and Responsibilities of Coaches
Resource Provider
- Sharing and creating instructional resources with teachers
Data Coach
- Guiding teachers to access, analyze, and use relevant, formal, and informal data from multiple sources
- Help teachers learn how to gather data
- Help teachers to reflect through data
- Facilitating conversations that engage teachers in analyzing and using a variety of data to access student learning and adapt instruction
Instructional Specialist
- Engaging teachers in planning instruction and using effective, high-impact teaching strategies
- Facilitate planning of Tier 1 Instruction, and explores many ways for accessing learning and differentiating instruction, applying content-specific pedagogical instruction, and using instructional models that support student-centered instruction
Curriculum Specialist
- Deep content knowledge and are able to unpack standards to develop or use learning progressions or pacing charts for planning units and lessons
- Assisting teachers in accessing and using district curricula to align instruction to standards.
- Helping teachers integrate learning across disciplines to reinforce learning outcomes
- Building consistency and coherence across classrooms, grade levels, courses, and schools to ensure that the curriculum is implemented with integrity to ensure equity in learning
Classroom Supporter
- Working inside of classrooms to help teachers implement new effective instruction, practice new strategies, and implement curricula to promote student success
- Providing demonstrated lessons, co-teach, or observe and facilitate reflection conversations with teachers.
- Working to enhance teachers efficacy and improve teaching and student learning
- Planning and reflecting together on teaching and student learning.
- Raising a teacher's consciousness and skillfulness about making on the spot instructional decisions that respond to student learning needs.
Learning Facilitator
- Facilitate individual, small-group, and whole-faculty professional learning among staff members.
- Mentoring novice teachers or new-to-the-school teachers
- Serving as role models, acculturate new teachers to the school, and advice new teachers about instruction, curriculum, procedures, practices, and school politics
School Leader
- Modeling continual improvement
- Reflecting on their work by engaging in the feedback process
- Experimenting with new ideas
- Taking risks
- Assisting with School Improvement projects
Catalyst for Change
- Being a visionary who "never content with the status quo but rather always looking for a better way"
- Coaches feel secure in their own work and are committed to continual improvement
- Prompting teachers to analyze student learning
- Questioning the status quo
- Engaging others in exploring possibilities, and identifying the undiscussable within a school
- Modeling continual improvement
- Reflecting on their work by engaging in the feedback process
- Experimenting with new ideas and taking risks
- Using what they learn to contribute to the success of all teachers and students
- Supporting the success of students by strengthening the effectiveness of teaching
- Building a teachers commitment to continuous improvement through professional learning
- Sending a powerful message about the importance of professional learning as a vehicle for student success
Contact the Podcast!
FREE EBOOK 40 Chrome Extensions Every Tech Coach Should Know
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- Ask the Tech Coach Podcast | @AsktheTechCoach
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- Jeff Bradbury | @JeffBradbury
- Susan Vincentz | @sv314dws
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Let’s Work Together
- Host: Jeff Bradbury @TeacherCast | @JeffBradbury
- Email: info@teachercast.net
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